Worshiping Revolutionary Martyrs
Upon the occasion of the Tomb-Sweeping Day, the mountain flowers, red as fire, were in full bloom. On the morning of 3rd April, under the planning of Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Party Branch, all the party members, development objects, party activists, league members and young pioneer representatives got to Anqing City’s martyrs cemetery to carry out the ‘Paying Respects to Revolutionary Martyrs’ campaign.
The mountains were filled with deep esteem and the green pines stood as a mark of respect. The lofty Five-Star Memorial Tower appeared extraordinarily majestic. Under the leadership of General Party Branch Secretary Sun Yijun, everyone stood in silent tribute with reverence before the themed sculpture ‘Fight Battles across the Yangtze River to Free China’, reviewing the party oath in the meantime. The clank oath reverberated like thunder and echoed to the clouds, expressing all the party members’ resolution to keep the mission in mind, stay true to the mission and inherit the red revolutionary traditions!
Furthermore, Secretary Sun Yijun presented fresh flowers to the revolutionary martyrs on behalf of all the party members and offered five party members special gifts, which were communists’ political birthday cards.
Afterwards, each one climbed the stairs before the tomb of the known and unknown, where there buried martyrs from the Anqing Liberation War, Crossing-the-Yangtze-River Campaign, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Self-Defensive Counterattack against Vietnam as well as Flood-Fighting and Emergency Rescues, among whom fifty got their names on the tomb while 356 did not. Altogether 406 martyrs were buried in the tomb. The green hills had the honor to be the sepulcher of illustrious men and the spirit of the brave departed illuminated our road ahead. Everyone paid silent tribute one by one, bowed and cherished the memory of our revolutionary martyrs before the grave of them.
To conclude, this worship activity helped all the party members stay true to the mission, forge ahead, take revolutionary martyrs as models, be loyal to the Party, work hard and become preeminent people’s teachers.